1. Humi[K] Liquid

    Water Soluble Humic Acid

    Diamond Grow® - Humi[K] Liquid is an organic liquidhumic concentrate... View More


  2. bloom 8-6-8 Sea kelp Extract

    يعزز امتصاص العناصر الغذائية واستخدامها وإعادة توزيعها• داخل النباتات

    يزيد من مساحة الورقة وحجم الخلية ونشاط التمثيل الضوئي•

    View More


  3. bloom 8-6-8 Sea kelp Extract 10 liter

    يعزز امتصاص العناصر الغذائية واستخدامها وإعادة توزيعها• داخل النباتات

    يزيد من مساحة الورقة وحجم الخلية ونشاط التمثيل الضوئي•

    View More


  4. humic [K] wsp

    Water Soluble Humic Acid Powder

    Diamond Grow ® - Humi[K] WSP (Water Soluble Powder) was designed specifically to be mixed with water to p... View More


  5. NPK 17-10-27

    High Nitrate Formulas:

    Designed for cool temperature climates, dark weather or spring time, when plants need extra vigor and growth. View More


  6. NPK 17-10-27 MB

    High Nitrate Formulas:

    Designed for cool temperature climates, dark weather or spring time, when plants need extra vigor and growth. View More


  7. NPK 10-52-10 1kg

    10-52-10 Plant Starter

    MASTERBLEND® 10-52-10 is ideal for vegetable and flower transplants, young seedlings, newly-set cuttings, and turf sod. Provides extra water soluble... View More


  8. NPK 10-52-10 MB

    10-52-10 Plant Starter

    MASTERBLEND® 10-52-10 is ideal for vegetable and flower transplants, young seedlings, newly-set cuttings, and turf sod. Provides extra water soluble... View More


  9. NPK 12-12-36

    •is specially designed formula for fruit crops, flower bulbs or strongly K-fixing soils. It is fitted for use during reproductive phase. View More


  10. NPK 12-12-36 MB

    •is specially designed formula for fruit crops, flower bulbs or strongly K-fixing soils. It is fitted for use during reproductive phase. View More


  11. NPK 12-12-36 MB "1kg"

    •is specially designed formula for fruit crops, flower bulbs or strongly K-fixing soils. It is fitted for use during reproductive phase. View More


  12. NPK 15-10-30

    General Purpose Formulas

    Designed to correct low Potassium levels on all crops. Use during blooming or maturing when higher Potassium levels are required. Over 60% of the Nitrogen... View More
